About NetTamer
This program was created to monitor
your web site(s) for changes or if it is down. Below is a screen shot:
Download NetTamer Version 1.0.3
To download NetTamer click
here and run the nettamer103.exe install program. Windows - 340kb
The install program puts a NetTamer folder under Program Files and copies over nettamer.exe, newpost.php, Vsflex7L.ocx, down.wav, newpost.wav. Then if you don't have MSINET.OCX in your system folder then it will copy that over. It will also create a startup icon on the desktop, in the Start menu and in the Startup section in the Start menu. If you need to uninstall it use Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
After you have downloaded and
installed NetTamer just enter in the sites you wish to watch. If the
information on that site ever changes then you will be notified by an optional
sound and the program will come into to the foreground. If your site goes
down then you will be notified just by an optional sound.
If you operate a phpBB then I
created a small php script called newpost.php that I included in the install.
What this script does is just displays the number of posts and topics you have
in your phpBB board. To use it copy the newpost.php file to your server
and enter in your database settings. Then enter the script into NetTamer
and you will be notified each time someone posts a new topic on your
board. This is much better than getting email notifications or having to
always check if there is anything new.
If you only want to make sure your site is up you might just want to create a small html script file instead of it having to load your complete homepage.
This program is supported by your
donations. If you have found this program to be of value to you please support
it by clicking on the button below and making a donation via your PayPal
If you need technical support for
this program please click the "Donate Now" button above to cover the
support costs. After you have made a donation you can contact us at support@tamersolutions.com